Printers are a common thing in the working world. They allow you to print written material, graphics, and photographs wirelessly or through a wired connection to a computer. It's very helpful for people who use computers for their jobs. It can also be used to keep track of records or data that need frequent printing like invoices, statements and grocery lists. But how exactly do they work?

A printer has two main parts: the ink cartridge and the printer head (also known as print heads). The ink cartridge contains the ink that is used to form the printed image. When printing, the head, or print heads, transfers the image onto paper. "How" do they work?

How a Printer works


Epson L3110 Printer

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A printer works using electricity and a lot of chemicals. To make a solid piece of text on a piece of paper, the printer has to apply different chemicals to different parts of the ink cartridge and onto paper in order to form letters and words. Since we only have one hole in our cartridge for each chemical to go through, we can divide this hole into small areas for each chemical. This will allow us to put several chemicals together where they will interact with one another and print on paper together. The hole will take all of the chemicals through as they go through and as they go through, they will change shape and form into what we want on the paper. The most important chemicals are ink or dyes.

The way that these chemicals change is in three forms: solids, liquids and gases. The different types of chemical can be transformed in one of these forms. Here is an example:

1.) Solids – A solid is basically something that you can touch, like a block of wood. Humans cannot see it but we can feel it. A solid is also known as a chunk or chunk-shaped thing. In the example of a printer, a solid can be the ink cartridge, which is made of plastic.

2.) Liquids – A liquid is also something that humans cannot see but they can feel it. It's also known as being wet and being able to flow around easily. In this example, a liquid would be the ink in the cartridge.


Epson L3150 Wi-Fi Inktank Multifunction Colour WiFi Printer

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3.) Gases – A gas is similar to a liquid in the way that it flows around but there are still some big differences between them. Gases are gases because they don't mix well with liquids and other substances like liquids do. They also take longer to flow around than liquids do and they are harder to feel than a solid or liquid would be. In this example, the gas would be the gas released from the cartridge.

The printer head has many different things that are added to it so it can print. The first is the cartridges, which we have talked about before. Then there is an arm that holds two rows of nozzles and each one of those nozzles has a cartridge (or ink) connected to them. There are small and thin tubes that connect with each row of nozzle and then they connect to a main tube in order to be sent to paper. There is also a lid on top of everything so nothing will fall into the printer head.

The electricity powers all three things in the printer:


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